Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Who the heck do I vote for now?

I was so proud to be a New Zealander when the Maori Party entered parliament. I had enormous respect for Pita because he’d done the yards and although I wasn’t a Turia fan I had to respect the fact that a: she walked and b: she came back on her own terms. I saw a country come of age when they took their seats.

The moment they went with the Tories they lost my vote but now the Maori Party have supported National in their disgusting rip off of an ETS. Not only supported them but done a dodgy deal for their mates at the same time.

So basically the Maori Party is now a Tory party. That leaves us with the Greens (sort of ) and Alliance if we want to vote for social justice and sensible economics in New Zealand.

There has been a lot of hot air expelled over Phil Goff's speech today - many claiming it is his "Orewa". I think not. I've just listened to it and I think Goff was expressing the disappointment and anger that many of us feel at the Maori Party betrayal of their fellow New Zealanders - white, brown, purple and puce.

The Maori Party are now clearly a brown Tory party and therefore fair game to opposition politicians. Their agenda MUST be called into question if they are to continue to sleep with the enemy.

Goff’s speech was completely different from the Orewa speech. Brash’s was a clear call to arms to NZ racist voters. In Goff’s speech he’s asking legitimate questions about the Tories’ (and that now includes the MP) agenda.

There's talk about Labour burning it's bridges too soon. That they might need the MP after the next election. Putting aside the very real possibility that the MP will eat itself before then - if I was Goff I'd be saying clearly "We wouldn't do a deal with John key's Tories. Why would we do a deal with Pita's?"


  1. wow - brown Tories, never thought I'd hear that said of the Maori party. Frightening stuff.

  2. Well, you might have some insight that I don't, Donna, but that's what it looks like from here. Under the guise of furthering Maori aspirations -and you know where I stand on that - Pita and Tariana (and Hone!) are supporting some blooody horrible Tory legislation. I just don't think it washes. I just don't think they can justify screwing ordinary New Zealanders so that they can get a bit more for Maori health here and bit of a concession about Maori forestry there. EITHER they are misguided in thinking there are long term benefits for Maori if they will be improved if they sell out some basics in return for concessions OR they are just essentially Tories. I don't think Pita or Tariana are stupid so it's gotta be the latter.
    Or maaaaybeeeee they are getting ready to cross the floor when NACT have got everything they want from them and start on the Maori seats. In the meantime people are starting to suffer under this government and the Tories are lining up their ducks for the sort of blitzkrieg we had in the 90's.
